Fashion vs Style or Fashion inspires Style.

This is what i never got to understand,"FASHION vs STYLE" and i've seen it on big magazine articles which i must admit never gotten that far reading them.In my confusion or my trying to make sense of this statement i ask a few stylish designers i know.It all turn to a fumming debate and was even attacked well almost physical(i blame the boooze or maybe is the passion) for calling myself The Fashion Sangoma,"Should change it to The Style Sangoma" i was told.

Well the point of all of this for me really is to get these heated debate going and changing perceptions.
Now we agreed on certain things like
  • fashion comes and go but style have more staying power
  • fashion is hype
  • fashion can be misleading if you follow it because of its constant changing patters or behaviour
Agreeeing to this though does not put me at ease...cause my stylish friend's individual styles were influenced and inspired by a fashion style, of whatever era ...yes it comes and go but is upto the individual to choose whichever style they prefer.
Weather is the now now style that is out tomorrow or loking like you are stuck in the sixties hey that's your state of mind....

Vumani booooooooooo!!!


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